Mobile app visual design samples
Unlike other weight loss apps, Fitmethod aims to simplify the often laborious process of finding and logging food.
In three simple interactions, a food can be entered into the user's food diary. User behavior is rewarded with achievements and educational content around nutrition. is some text inside of a div block.
Navigation and flow samples
The "My day" dashboard provides users with an overview of their current food diary with macronutrient and exercise activity visualizations.
Visual identity mood boards
As part of the rebranding exercise, I developed initial logo concepts paired with mood boards to demonstrate the corresponding design languages.
High-fidelity prototyping
Using AxureRP, I developed an extensive set of high-fidelity mobile prototypes that simulated key tasks like onboarding, logging food and entering physical activity.
User journey mapping
I developed a hybrid user journey / technology diagram that presented user movement through the app alongside key technology decision points. This was developed in parallel with business modelling.
Competitive review
As part of my competitive review, I diagramed one of the key differentiators for Fitmethod - simplified food logging. In this diagram, the number of overall interactions are compared between MyFitnesspal (a key competitor) and Fitmethod for logging a simple food like a banana, and a more complex food like a sandwich.